18+ Artist
Joined on 11/26/18
nixnoux 2020-10-06 01:17:39
nice~ looking good. Only qualm I have is the right side person being lifted by their skirt. should be over their head or maybe have them more perpendicular. Regardless, great anatomy~
LurchIllustrates 2020-10-06 01:17:39
Thought about that too. I just didn't want to obscure the figure too much. Decisions. Decisions.
RayRay15 2020-10-06 01:57:48
off to a good start. Do share more.
LurchIllustrates 2020-10-06 01:57:48
I'm gonna try to get on these daily if I can. Hopefully I can get all 4 within the month to complete the challenge.
nice~ looking good. Only qualm I have is the right side person being lifted by their skirt. should be over their head or maybe have them more perpendicular. Regardless, great anatomy~
Thought about that too. I just didn't want to obscure the figure too much. Decisions. Decisions.